Live-Report Brochure
BURMA | Gold, Ghosts and Giants

Golden Burma – it has remained an insider tip to this day. There is hardly a traveller who does not return from this country deeply moved.
As a photographer and author, I have now visited the country twelve times. I roamed through cities, caves, fields and monasteries, hiked to remote mountain peoples and documented novice celebrations, weddings and cremations.
The biggest discovery was the people of Burma. Their touching forbearance and warm-heartedness. One humbly asks oneself, ‘How did they preserve that during all these years of dictatorship and isolation?’
Since the 2010 elections, there had been a spirit of optimism. Unbelievable, but the junta generals single-mindedly turned the course towards democracy. Confidence could be sensed everywhere in the country, a new era was in sight. And the hope of all Burmese pronounced a name: Aung San Suu Kyi. (Addition as of April 2021: In February 2021, there was a military coup that abruptly interrupted the democracy movement and is now trying to plunge the country into a renewed military dictatorship).
The live report represents the elixir of my life’s dream: the commitment to the path of photography and to personal growth. It is an unbiased look into the midst of life of a world largely unknown to us. And an invitation to my audience to see travel as an adventure and to make the perhaps most important discoveries within.
In the live report, I show what makes me set out again and again – and how explorers and adventurers provide me with inspiration in that process. With the explorer’s equipment, I offer valuable timeless stimuli and insights, which participants can use for their personal and professional challenges.
Brilliant photographs, films, original sounds and sequences of images accompanied by music merge with the sensitive report to form a moving whole.
Contents (constantly updated)
Significant sights, places and festivals of the country, slideshows underscored with music, portraits, interviews, history and political situation, film clips, anecdotes from Malte Clavin’s life as a photographer.
Technical data
Depending on the demands, the event lasts 90 to 120 minutes including a break. It is performed live by Malte Clavin and accompanied by music and original sounds.
Special Guest
When university, school or other engagements permits, Malte Clavin’s daughters Amelie (born in 2000) and Smilla (2008) recites the popular chapter ‘Travelling as a Child in Burma’.
Advertising material
We will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advertising and press material in digital format free of charge.

Goldenes Burma – es ist bis heute ein Geheimtipp geblieben. Kaum ein Reisender, der nicht tief bewegt aus diesem Land zurückkehrt.
Als Fotograf und Autor besuchte ich das Land mittlerweile zwölfmal. Ich durchstreifte Städte, Höhlen, Felder und Klöster, wanderte zu abseits gelegenen Bergvölkern und dokumentierte Novizenfeiern, Hochzeiten und Feuerbestattungen.
Die größte Entdeckungen waren dabei die Menschen Burmas. Ihre berührende Duldsamkeit und Warmherzigkeit. Man fragt sich demütig ‚Wie haben sie sich das über all die Jahre der Diktatur und Isolation bewahrt?’

Since the 2010 elections, there had been a spirit of optimism. Unbelievable, but the junta generals single-mindedly turned the course towards democracy. Confidence could be sensed everywhere in the country, a new era was in sight. And the hope of all Burmese pronounced a name: Aung San Suu Kyi. (Addition as of April 2021: In February 2021, there was a military coup that abruptly interrupted the democracy movement and is now trying to plunge the country into a renewed military dictatorship).
The live report represents the elixir of my life’s dream: the commitment to the path of photography and to personal growth. It is an unbiased look into the midst of life of a world largely unknown to us. And an invitation to my audience to see travel as an adventure and to make the perhaps most important discoveries within.
In the live report, I show what makes me set out again and again – and how explorers and adventurers provide me with inspiration in that process. With the explorer’s equipment, I offer valuable timeless stimuli and insights, which participants can use for their personal and professional challenges.

Brilliant photographs, films, original sounds and sequences of images accompanied by music merge with the sensitive report to form a moving whole.
Contents (constantly updated)
Significant sights, places and festivals of the country, slideshows underscored with music, portraits, interviews, history and political situation, film clips, anecdotes from Malte Clavin’s life as a photographer.
Technical data
Depending on the demands, the event lasts 90 to 120 minutes including a break. It is performed live by Malte Clavin and accompanied by music and original sounds.
Special Guest
When university, school or other engagements permits, Malte Clavin’s daughters Amelie (born in 2000) and Smilla (2008) recites the popular chapter ‘Travelling as a Child in Burma’.
Advertising material
We will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advertising and press material in digital format free of charge.