Caves, castles, wide open views

Scotland photo gallery

31. August 2024
Kategorien: All | Photo galleries
Categories: All | Photo galleries
In August 1829, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy visited Fingal's Cave. Inspired by his visit, he composed a concert overture afterwards.
In August 1829, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy visited Fingal's Cave. Inspired by his visit, he composed a concert overture afterwards.
2 Min. The impressive basalt columns of Staffa Island inspired painters, composers and writers to create masterpieces. On Lismore you will find Duns, Brochs and shepherds, but no police. At Buchanan Castle, nature proves that everything is ephemeral, even the most magnificent buildings.

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My life’s dream destination

Table Mountain Expedition

My life’s dream destination

29 Min. Scientists called Venezuela’s Salto Angel waterfall the eighth wonder of the world. The dreamlike, yet mystical Table Mountains inspired James Cameron for his film Avatar. And I finally fulfilled my long-cherished No. 1 travel dream on my fourth attempt: a trip to what I consider the most spectacular landscape in the world.

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