Keynote by ex-Navy Seal Commander Mark Divine

Progress Inspiration Summit: My personal highlight

30. April 2024
2 Min.
Kategorien: All | Logbook
Categories: All | Logbook
2 Min.Last week Thursday I moderated the first Progress Inspiration Summit. My personal highlight was the keynote by Mark Divine - former investment banker and Navy Seal Commander, black belt holder in several martial arts, yoga instructor, government consultant, university professor, book author, entrepreneur (SEALFIT & Unbeatable Mind).

My four key take-aways:

1. Nobody needs to be exposed to VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) without protection. Mark’s response and action model ‘new VUCA’ is made up of vision, understanding, creativity and agility. It empowers everyone to remain level-headed, goal-orientated and, above all, capable of acting.

2. The path to ‘future vision’ is not about ‘being busy’ (=‘chasing your tail’), but about ‘non-action’, or in one word ‘insight’ (= ‘the ability to see within’). Mark recommends: ‘Sit with an open heart and clear mind, and wait for it.’

3. ‘Ethos is an essential mode of behaviour.’ Actual behaviour is an expression of values and priorities – not rules, plans or ‘Excel tapestry’.

4. ‘Radical Inclusiveness’ creates connection and trust in teams. Every team member is allowed to answer for themselves: ‘Am I understood? Am I included?”. The answer should always be ‘yes’.

Thanks to Mark! Thanks to the amazing team at ProgressMaker®! 😘


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Life hack

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