It ist day three (of our bush walk in South Africa), around 9 am.
A lioness appears in our range of vision. She’s like 25 metres away.
Slowly she turns her head towards us.
And then she’s doing something I will never forget in my life: She roars!
She roars so loudly I almost soiled my pants.
My heart starts pounding. I hear the heartbeat in my ears.
I am so afraid, because she could be here in four seconds.
But then she turns her head away, walks on … and disappears.
That was one of the scariest moments of my life.
Because I had a complete misconception of the situation.
I knew … nothing!
I did not know that the lioness is not on a hunt.
I did not know that she is just checking the terrain
I did not know that the lion pride follows like 300, 400 metres behind.
Not knowing fuels fear.
I also did not know what to do in case of a lion charge.
Then I learned: in case a lion attacks you, you do not run away! Never!
When you run away, you show yourself as a flight animal, and then the lion knows, “Ah, this is yummy lunch.”
You have to stay on the spot – shit your pants if needed – claim your space. Shout at the lion. Allow space for him to turn away.
And I understood: Learn or die!
I really enjoyed sharing my insights at the TRILUX International Sales Summit! I was very pleased and inspired by the positive feedback.
Because that’s what it’s all about: We don’t just want to achieve our goals, we want to master them with passion, confidence and a smile on our face.
Want to find out more? Contact me now. And then: Let’s talk!

Extract from keynote
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South Africa photo gallery
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