From the keynote THREE at Deutsche Telekom: What you should let get to you – and what you’d better keep out.

During the keynote at DIDACTICA in Cologne.
The HOW determines everything
Pandemics, wars, crises – every day we are being bombarded with news of yet another disaster.
And this ‘bad news’ is only one ingredient in a nasty soup that we spoon up day after day. Other side dishes are stress, anger, fear, frustration and many personal triggered reactions.
All of them killjoys. Energy robbers. Performance killers.
Life constantly confronts us with things that pull us down, take us for a ride and then make us go haywire.
“Well, nothing you can do about it. You can only endure and survive.”
Because the soup you spoon up every day is by your own choice.
“What?! Me? That’s bullshit!”
But that’s how it is. You are responsible.
Let’s get this straight: You are most likely not responsible for wars, disasters, etc. But you – and only you – are in control of how you react to them.
This HOW is the all-important thing.
Once again: It is not the WHAT – war, crisis, climate – moody customers, colleagues, bosses – but the HOW, that decides everything.

Dr. Mirko Knoll
Tribe Lead Magenta Voice Program
Deutsche Telekom
Catchy storytelling, winning message – great benefit for my Tribe.
“It was a great pleasure to hand over the stage to the well-known adventurer and photographer Malte Clavin.
With his inspiring TED Talk-like talk, he showed that Deutsche Telekom’s call to ‘BE CURIOUS, BE COURAGEOUS’ also requires a new mindset and new actions from everyone.
For our ‘Tribe Days’ I really appreciated his pictorial opener. It was important to me that my Tribe opens up to new topics and follows the digital transformation of our group. In that way we are best prepared for the future. And also to be able to do our work (for ourselves as well as in the team) more effectively.
In doing so, it can be very profitable to move out of the comfort zone again and again. And also to ask ourselves again and again: Why shouldn’t I explore the new? Why not take the risk? Why not live up to the challenge?
There is a lot of pragmatism in Malte’s keynote. He passes this on to his audience with the help of three practical tools. Everything is presented very clearly, with catchy storytelling and fascinating images, the message remains in your thoughts for a long time.
A great benefit for my Tribe. Thank you.”
These three make you free
You have no or only minimal influence on WHAT. But you always have influence on the HOW. And 100 per cent. Every second, minute, hour – at absolutely any time in your life.
That makes all the difference between either growth, unfolding, strengthening. Or standstill, regression, deterioration.
This HOW is always in your own hands – in the form of a conscious decision.
In my talk I show three simple and highly effective tools for making better conscious decisions.
Thanks to these three key tools…
- I overcame serious setbacks, tapped into inexhaustible sources of strength and achieved my goals – as an adventurer, entrepreneur and human being.
- I was able to realise my dream as a photographer and author, among other things: Publications in GEO and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.
- have opened up unimagined, new contacts, potentials and opportunities – of which I had no idea before – and for which, in retrospect, I am deeply grateful.
All three tools have been lauded by scholars and sages for centuries. And scientists have proven them to be effective.
You and your audience can apply these tools immediately after the talk. And if you then make better choices than ever before – nothing else can happen but that:
Your life will improve decisively!

Keynote THREE at Deutsche Telekom.

The keynote also offers: Impressive pictures from Malte’s expeditions (here Venezuela).
Listener not known by name
Tribe member – Magenta Voice Program
Deutsche Telekom
“This was one of the best keynotes I have ever heard in my life.”

Always fully committed – you can count on that.

This white-necked hummingbird also plays a role in the keynote.
Suitable for
Keynotes, kick-offs, offsites, congresses, festivals, conferences, corporate events, staff events, fireside chats – on site or online/virtually.
Target group
- C-level, executives, entrepreneurs, employees
- All ambitious people who want to learn how to better withstand inevitable setbacks – and how to give love, attention and resources to ‘their thing’ – in order to finally bring it to fruition.
Your benefits
- Knowing how to deal with difficulties, setbacks, adversities – as well as accepting and reinterpreting them.
- Insights into reality models, beliefs – and reformulation as well as implementation of these.
- Knowing about sources of courage and how to immediately bring more courage to goals, visions and intentions.
- Getting to know and understand the three key tools – in order to use them immediately and purposefully for one’s own professional (and also private) situation.
- Further live hacks, tools and methods for personality growth that have scientifically been proven to be effective.
Topics and keywords
Resilience, robustness, mindset & actionset, assertiveness, courage, self-efficacy, learning, neurological overwriting, plateauing, performance enhancement, top performance.
30 to 60 minutes (depending on event/request)
Presentation languages
German, English
The HOW determines everything
Pandemics, wars, crises – every day we are being bombarded with news of yet another disaster.
And this ‘bad news’ is only one ingredient in a nasty soup that we spoon up day after day. Other side dishes are stress, anger, fear, frustration and many personal triggered reactions.
All of them killjoys. Energy robbers. Performance killers.
Life constantly confronts us with things that pull us down, take us for a ride and then make us go haywire.
“Well, nothing you can do about it. You can only endure and survive.”

From the keynote THREE at Deutsche Telekom: What you should let get to you – and what you’d better keep out.
“What?! Me? That’s bullshit!”
But that’s how it is. You are responsible.
Let’s get this straight: You are most likely not responsible for wars, disasters, etc. But you – and only you – are in control of how you react to them.
This HOW is the allimportant thing.
Once again: It is not the WHAT – war, crisis, climate – moody customers, colleagues, bosses – but the HOW, that decides everything.

During the keynote at DIDACTICA in Cologne.
“Catchy storytelling,
winning message – great benefit for my Tribe.”

Dr. Mirko Knoll
Tribe Lead Magenta Voice Program
Deutsche Telekom
“It was a great pleasure to hand over the stage to the well-known adventurer and photographer Malte Clavin.
With his inspiring TED Talk-like talk, he showed that Deutsche Telekom’s call to ‘BE CURIOUS, BE COURAGEOUS’ also requires a new mindset and new actions from everyone.
There is a lot of pragmatism in Malte’s keynote. He passes this on to his audience with the help of three practical tools.
Everything is presented very clearly, with catchy storytelling and fascinating images, the message remains in your thoughts for a long time.
A great benefit for my Tribe. Thank you”
These three make you free
You have no or only minimal influence on WHAT. But you always have influence on the HOW. And 100 per cent. Every second, minute, hour – at absolutely any time in your life.
That makes all the difference between either growth, unfolding, strengthening. Or standstill, regression, deterioration.
This HOW is always in your own hands – in the form of a conscious decision.
In my talk I show three simple and highly effective tools for making better conscious decisions.

Keynote THREE at Deutsche Telekom.
Thanks to these three key tools…
- I overcame serious setbacks, tapped into inexhaustible sources of strength and achieved my goals – as an adventurer, entrepreneur and human being.
- I was able to realise my dream as a photographer and author, among other things: Publications in GEO and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.
- have opened up unimagined, new contacts, potentials and opportunities – of which I had no idea before – and for which, in retrospect, I am deeply grateful.
All three tools have been lauded by scholars and sages for centuries. And scientists have proven them to be effective.
You and your audience can apply these tools immediately after the talk. And if you then make better choices than ever before – nothing else can happen but that:
Your life will improve decisively!

The keynote also offers: Impressive pictures from Malte’s expeditions (here Venezuela).
“This was one of the best keynotes I have ever heard in my life.”
Listener not known by name
Tribe member, Magenta Voice Program, Deutsche Telekom
Suitable for
Keynotes, kick-offs, offsites, congresses, festivals, conferences, corporate events, staff events, fireside chats – on site or online/virtually.
Target group
- C-level, executives, entrepreneurs, employees
- All ambitious people who want to learn how to better withstand inevitable setbacks – and how to give love, attention and resources to ‘their thing’ – in order to finally bring it to fruition.

Your benefits
- Knowing how to deal with difficulties, setbacks, adversities – as well as accepting and reinterpreting them.
- Insights into reality models, beliefs – and reformulation as well as implementation of these.
- Knowing about sources of courage and how to immediately bring more courage to goals, visions and intentions.
- Getting to know and understand the three key tools – in order to use them immediately and purposefully for one’s own professional (and also private) situation.
- Further live hacks, tools and methods for personality growth that have scientifically been proven to be effective.
Topics and keywords
Resilience, robustness, mindset & actionset, assertiveness, courage, self-efficacy, learning, neurological overwriting, plateauing, performance enhancement, top performance.
30 to 60 minutes (depending on event/request)
Presentation languages
German, English

This white-necked hummingbird also plays a role in the keynote.