From the Leaders Network lecture announcement:
Centuries of research, technological progress and intellectual enlightenment – yet it still scares us to death: the unknown!
The problem lies not in external factors, but in the fact that it triggers disturbing feelings in us: inadequacy, uncertainty, fear. This fear can be eliminated. When we put on the adventurer’s hat and conquer white spots on our inner map of the world, unimagined abilities and powers become part of our personality.
The world needs more explorer types! Courageous, adventure-hungry people who take risks for their vision and use courage as ‘adventure capital’. Those who navigate into the unknown can always remain capable of action, learn ceaselessly and grow steadfastly.
In his lecture, Malte Clavin shows what makes him set out again and again. With his explorer’s armory, he provides timelessly valuable tools that can be used for professional and private ambitions.
More infos & registration
(Link redirects to the Leaders Network)

Pure inspiration
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