3-min clip about Wim Hof workshop in Poland

Ice video scores 100,000 views on YouTube

3. May 2022
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Kategorien: All | Challenges | Logbook | Poland | Videos
Categories: All | Challenges | Logbook | Poland | Videos
Nach über 2 Stunden in der Kälte hat sich bei mir eine Eisschicht im Nacken gebildet. In der Hütte auf dem Mount Sniezka wärmen wir uns auf, bevor wir angezogen wieder absteigen. Das wirklich Erstaunliche merke ich erst am nächsten Tag: Niemand niest oder hustet. Keiner hat sich eine Erkältung eingefangen!
< 1 Min.I am very happy that my YouTube video about my Poland Ice Transformation has now been viewed over 100 000 times! 2 hours of shirtless mountain hiking in shorts - with a wind chill down to -19 degrees?! Together with 60 people from all over the world I learned incredible breathing techniques, ice baths and other great tools.

After more than 2 hours in the cold, a layer of ice has formed on the back of my neck. In the hut on Mount Sniezka we warm up before we descend again dressed. The really amazing thing I notice only the next day: Nobody sneezes or coughs. No one has caught a cold!

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Topless on the Feldberg in winter

Article in the Badische Zeitung

Topless on the Feldberg in winter

9 Min.January 2018, Black Forest, Southern Germany: Together with my Ice Buddies I wad through knee-deep snow, jump into ice-cold lakes and finally boot up the snow-covered Feldberg. All topless, mind you. So what’s it about?

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