Of means goals and life goals
Can you make a living from it?
2 Min.“Can you make a living from it?”
I get this question more often when it comes to my travels and publications (like this one).
“I don’t want to live without it.”
… I then answer.

Black Friday gift
My best investment advice for life
2 Min.Here’s nothing less than my best investment advice for life. No scam, click bait, I mean it. It’s not shares, funds, real estate, valuables, crypto, NFTs etc.
It’s experiences.

Food for thought
Adventure is the salt in your life-soup
2 Min.Adventure is like salt in the soup of life. It adds flavour.

Panelist at the TRILUX Roundtable on Human Performance
3 Min.To be there when history is being made. Today I had this opportunity as a panelist at the first hybrid roundtable of the lighting industry in the Metaverse and simultaneously in the Volkswagen Arena in Wolfsburg.

Interview with volcanologist
“At some point La Réunion will disappear”
5 Min.During my trip to La Réunion, I spoke with Philippe Kowalski, the deputy director of the volcano observatory at Piton de la Fournaise.

“Fear is not an enemy. Fear is a mentor.”
Talk at Leaders Network in Hamburg
3 Min.Intense conversations, appreciative exchange, stimulating ideas – these were the hallmarks of the evening at Leaders Network, which I kicked off with my keynote address ‘Into the Unknown’.

An island like no other
La Reunion – Like a trip around the world in five days
26 Min.Where else in the world can you splash in the sea in the morning, walk in the rainforest at noon, and marvel at a desert with an active volcano in the afternoon? Reunion offers the most diverse variety of landscapes, vegetation and cultures that I know.

Plus interactive Q&A session
Keynote at ‘Manage Agile’ conference
2 Min.War! Insecurity! Loss of control! Limitations!
The problem is not external factors, but disruptive feelings that are triggered within us: Inadequacy, uncertainty, fear.
This fear can be eliminated.

Luzzone Dam, Switzerland
Climbing the highest artificial route in the world
2 Min.Today, I climbed on the highest artificial climbing wall in the world: Luzzone Dam, Switzerland: 165 meters.

‘Three survival tools for any business expedition’
Keynote premiere at Deutsche Telekom
3 Min.“BE CURIOUS, BE COURAGEOUS” – this new call from Deutsche Telekom to its employees is, of course, right up my street. The Magenta Voice Program invited me to Darmstadt to give a keynote at the opening of the ‘Tribe Days’.

Looking beyond the horizon
What’s better than courage?
2 Min.Courage is good. No question about it. But I believe there is something even better than courage.

A piece of France in the Indian Ocean
La Réunion photo gallery
2 Min.Fantastic hikes through deep valleys, long lava tunnels and high volcanoes – that is La Réunion. While roaming the island, I was amazed – also at the varied bird life, crooked trees, oddball volcanologists and the scent of what is probably the best vanilla in the world.