
Scotland photo gallery

Caves, castles, wide open views

Scotland photo gallery

2 Min.The impressive basalt columns of Staffa Island inspired painters, composers and writers to create masterpieces. On Lismore you will find Duns, Brochs and shepherds, but no police. At Buchanan Castle, nature proves that everything is ephemeral, even the most magnificent buildings.

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Chile – Colourful harbours, exhilarating nature

Adventures in the world's longest country

Chile – Colourful harbours, exhilarating nature

24 Min.Valparaiso is world-famous for its colourful houses and historic lifts, the ‘Ascensores’. Situated on the Pacific Ocean, the port city with its colourful street art and exciting architecture turns every visitor’s head – in the truest sense of the word. In Chile’s Conguillio National Park, the volcanic peaks, the magnificent araucarias and the condors gliding through the sky are sure to turn at least as many heads.

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Chile photo gallery

The longest country in the world

Chile photo gallery

2 Min.In Valparaiso, we immerse ourselves in a vibrant culture that immediately captivates us. We then discover true natural beauty and breathtaking landscapes in Araucania. A truly contrasting journey.

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21 photographs from 13 journeys


2 Min.No other country has smuggled itself into my soul more persistently than Burma. I wandered through towns, caves, fields and monasteries, hiked to remote hill tribes and documented novice ceremonies, weddings and cremations.

The greatest discoveries were the people of Burma, their touching tolerance and warm-heartedness. With TIMELESS BURMA, I want to make the photographs appear timeless as well as these timeless values. It is my final declaration of love to the country and its people.

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Finland: Breaking the ice

Ice climbing, ice breaking and ice diving in the Finnish winter

Finland: Breaking the ice

25 Min.From comfortable to extreme: snow-covered Finland offers some exceptional activities beyond the classic winter sports for those who like to experiment. Malte Clavin visited the only course in the world where you can learn to free dive under ice.

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USA – Olympic National Park

Mystical beauty at the Pacific Ocean

USA – Olympic National Park

24 Min.Olympic National Park in the north-west of the USA is home to three ecosystems: Almost 2,500-metre-high mountains, which I hiked through on snowshoes, rugged rocky coasts, whose wide beaches and colourful tide pools attract big and small explorers, and the northernmost rainforest in the world, a mystical magic world of mosses and trees up to a hundred metres high.

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Oman – in the sultanate of adventure

Caves, deserts & frankincense

Oman – in the sultanate of adventure

23 Min.Breathtaking desert landscapes, impressive mountain ranges, exuberant hospitality and delicious food. Oman offers all of that. I venture deep into the interior – the 7th Hole Cave on the Selmah Plateau is quite something.

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Oman photo gallery

Unique insights into a desert country

Oman photo gallery

2 Min.Breathtaking desert landscapes, impressive mountain ranges, exuberant hospitality and delicious food. Oman offers it all. I ventured deep into the ‘interior’ – the 7th Hole cave on the Selmah Plateau is quite something.

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