Adventure is the salt in your life-soup

Even more than that. Adventure adds excitement. Meaning. Purpose. It shows that you are self-effective. You don’t need to go far away to experience life-changing adventures. You don’t need to spend weeks, month, or even years. It’s the intensity of...

Talk at Leaders Network in Hamburg

It is not easy for me to write about my own ‘performance’, my own view is too narrow. So I’ll let Tina Morgenstern, the host of the Leaders Network Hamburg, have her say (source: LinkedIn post, slightly shortened): “Fear is not an enemy. Fear...

Keynote at ‘Manage Agile’ conference

If we put on the adventurer’s hat and conquer the white spots on our inner map of the world, then unimagined abilities and powers grow within us – and strengthen our personality. I showed how this works in my keynote INTO THE UNKNOWN at Manage Agile on 14...